Thursday, March 6, 2014

Into the Unknown World

If you go into the forest by the castle and hike all the way to the deepest part of the forest you will see something walking through the deep clearings of the forest, a silver wolf. She has silver fur and eyes which is unique among her species but whats most unique about her is her tails. Yes tails. If you watch her walk you will see her hold her twin tails high in the air and flick them as if giving signals to other unseen creatures hiding in the murky forest. If her eyes fall on you you will run away in terror at the menace you see when she notices you. If you try to get to close you may walk away with many injuries or a lost limb depending on what you do or say.
This wolf is named Soul and she is a Stray Guardian. Now you may be asking what is a Guardian and why is one so deep in the forest. Well as I said she is a Stray, she has no one to protect...not anymore. As for what a guardian is's the definition for you.
Guardian- A creature that is an animal yet not. They have a human form, an animal form, and a true form which is what they actually look like. They look human in appearance in their true form aside from the ears, horns, tails, wings, scales, claws, slit eyes, forked tongue, or any other appendage you may see that comes from the animal they are attributed to.
That is the basic definition of a Guardian but there is much more to learn my friend but I will save all my talk and explaining because you probably are still wondering why you're here and what you are reading so let us get into our story shall we? Whose story you ask? Why Soul's of course!! Let us delve into the unknown world of Guardians and kingdoms and war. I may stop telling my story from time to time to explain more about the intricacies of the Guardian race but for now we stop with the basics. Goodbye my friend I shall see you the next time we have a break in the story.

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